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Massimo Sestini. Bellezza oltre il limite. firenze
September 16, 2020

Beauty beyond the limit. Massimo Sestini's photographic exhibition at Forte Belvedere

From September 16 to October 31, 2020, a Tuscany portrayed with unprecedented perspectives

We are on the most beautiful terrace in Florence, that of Forte Belvedere. From September 16 to October 31, 2020, its terraces will host the spectacular photographic exhibition by Massimo Sestini "Beauty beyond the limit", curated by Sergio Risaliti, promoted by the Region of Tuscany and the Municipality of Florence, organized by Fondazione Sistema Toscana,Toscana Promozione Turistica and Mus.e. 

Twenty giant images to promote Tuscany in the world, previewed in Florence.

The photos present a Tuscany portrayed from a new perspective: the shots were taken at a height of 2000 feet, but with lenses that allowed to get so close to the scene photographed, to frame it in an absolutely original and new way. The result goes beyond photography and turns into a work of art.

Massimo Sestini's exhibition is made up of images of the photographic path that are in fact rooted in the artistic, cultural and landscape heritage of Tuscany, cradle of the Renaissance, proposing the wonder of the places with an original and unpublished vision, giving back to the observer the immense deposit of history that we have.

Since Henry Moore's unforgettable exhibition in 1972, the Forte di Belvedere in Florence has become one of the most important and beautiful open-air exhibition spaces in the world, but this year without an exhibition project, cause lockdown. It reopens in these last days of summer with photos by Massimo Sestini, real installations (each one is five meters by three), which become windows inserted in the landscape and the skyline of Florence. From September 16th to October 31st, not to be missed!


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