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Florence, Piazza Santa Croce, statue of Dante / photo Massimo Sestini
May 18, 2021

Dante Rock: Piero Pelù and Aldo Cazzullo together to read the Divine Comedy

A surprising tour that will start on 7 June from Piazza Santa Croce.

Dante is contemporary. Aldo Cazzullo told us this in the pages of his book A riveder le stelle, Dante il poeta che inventò l'Italia (here is our exclusive interview with the author), a great publishing success that now has a sequel: a theatrical performance with two voices, just like the Divine Comedy. The protagonists are a narrator - played by Cazzullo himself - accompanied by "ROCK" readings of the Divine Comedy by Piero Pelù.

Aldo Cazzullo e Pietro Pelù a Santa Croce

A tour starting in Santa Croce on 7 June will take the show all over Italy.
In Santa Croce everything speaks of Dante: the statue of the poet in the churchyard, the memorial inside the basilica, the countless works of art that take us back to the Florence of Alighieri's time. Dante is a master of life for contemporary man and Santa Croce is a special place where memory is carefully preserved to speak to the present", stresses the president of the Opera di Santa Croce, Irene Sanesi.

"We recognise ourselves in Aldo Cazzullo's project precisely because it welds art, poetry and history with contemporaneity, to meet, in the name of Dante, the women and men of the Third Millennium".

dante cover

Here are the dates of the summer tour
07 June Florence - Piazza S. Croce
10 June Trento - Teatro Sociale (TRENTO FILM FESTIVAL)
17 June Montecchio (VI) - Romeo's Castle
18 June Pavia - Visconteo Castle
23 June Caorle (VE) - Piazza Vescovado
24 June Cervia (RA) - Arena parco dei Pini (RAVENNA FESTIVAL) 26 June Alba (CN) - PalaAlbaCapitale
29 June Caprarola (VT) - Palazzo Farnese (CAFFEINA FESTIVAL)
1 July Nora Pula (CA) - Roman Theatre (LA NOTTE DEI POETI FESTIVAL) 2 July Pratovecchio (AR) - Piazza Landino
3 July Urbisaglia (MC) - Roman Amphitheatre
4 July Pesaro - Miralfiore Park Amphitheatre


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