Il Giro del Mondo in ottanta gioielli
Giovanni Raspini presents a new chapter in the great jewellery exhibitions
On 5 May, at the prestigious Palazzo Visconti in Milan, the first stage of the new chapter in the great exhibitions created by the Florentine architect and designer Giovanni Raspini will open: Around the World in Eighty Jewels.
The one in Milan will be the first of two stops. The second will see the precious jewels arrive in the capital, at Coffee House in Palazzo Colonna, with the inauguration scheduled for 12 May.
Encouraged by the success of the previous editions, Wild (2016), Vanitas Mundi (2017), Nautilus (2019) and Gioielli da una Wunderkammer (2020), and this year Giovanni Raspini continues his creative project in the world of contemporary jewellery and timeless beauty.
Around the World in Eighty Jewels is a fascinating journey in search of beauty and boundless creativity. In this sense Giovanni Raspini, the creator of the project, takes on the role of a contemporary nomad intent on bringing his stylistic concept of jewellery and goldsmith's creation into dialogue with the most authentic identity of every place in the world.

Eighty unique pieces, inspired by natural elements and artefacts from the places and cultures of the five continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and Oceania-Antarctica), collected in thirty important necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings. Works created in the name of craftsmanship excellence. The symbol of the exhibition is a large balloon-jewel, made of bronze by the Tuscan designer together with sculptors Lucio Minigrilli and Erika Corsi.
The theme of travel, in art and in life, is as old as the childhood of the world. Many tales of metaphorical and symbolic journeys actually narrate the incredible journey of mankind. Giovanni Raspini's is also a conceptual journey.

Flying over the globe in his hot air balloon, he finds inspiration in beauty: from the many natural elements, to the cultural customs of peoples and nations, to man-made monuments, to the eternal, luminous charm of gems and precious metals.
"The idea of two stops was born from the desire to share this beauty with as many people as possible, at least in two of the most important cities in our country," says the designer.

In Milan it will be possible to visit Palazzo Visconti from 6 to 8 May. In Rome, the exhibition will be open to the public from 13 May to 15 May at the Coffee House in Palazzo Colonna.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a book published by Edifir Firenze, with an introduction by Franco Cardini, numerous dedicated texts and an accurate photographic catalogue.
Nicolas Bouvier wrote "the best thing in travelling is to get lost. With loss comes wonder, and only then does the journey really begin". Around the World in Eighty Jewels comes to life from the same feeling, from the same desire to break every wall and border to participate completely, without prejudice or fear, in the beauty of the world. Looking forward to new adventures.
Palazzo Visconti - Via Cino del Duca, 8 - Milan
6//8 Maggio
Timetable 10,00/20,00
Free entry
Coffee House a Palazzo Colonna - Piazza SS. Apostoli 67 – Rome
12/15 maggio
Timetable 10:00 – 20:00
Free entry