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JR at palazzo Strozzi
March 2, 2021

JR at Palazzo Strozzi

The contemporary artist of the moment interprets the façade of the iconic Renaissance building

From 19 March, the façade of Palazzo Strozzi will bear the signature of JR, the most famous contemporary artist of the moment: a new site-specific installation entitled La Ferita (The Wound), which will propose an evocative reflection on the accessibility of places of culture in the era of Covid-19.

JR and Arturo Galansino

"JR's new work represents a strong signal of reflection on the difficult conditions of access to culture in the era of Covid-19,- says Arturo Galansino, Director General of the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, - but at the same time an opportunity for a new involvement of the public in the name of values such as freedom, creative imagination and participation. In the current difficulty of offering opportunities to enjoy art in traditional spaces, the decision to create a work of art visible to everyone on the facade of Palazzo Strozzi becomes an invitation to rediscover a direct relationship with art and a call for new forms of sharing and participation."


JR uses photographic collage as a technique characteristic of his style: works of great visual impact and involvement in places and contexts that are always different, from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro to the great square of the Louvre Pyramid, from Ellis Island in New York to the Tehachapi maximum security prison in California. From March also in Florence.

On Friday 19 March at 11.30 am, in live streaming on Palazzo Strozzi's Facebook page, JR and Arturo Galansino, General Director of the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, will present the project to the public in a special online meeting.

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