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conte dpcm toscana 4 novembre
November 4, 2020

New Dpcm in Tuscany: today we will know if ours will be green or orange area

Again new restrictions against Covid 19, today at 4 pm we will know everything about Tuscany. In the meantime some anticipations on the new rules expected tomorrow

They are delicate hours those between the evening of Tuesday 3 November and the morning of Wednesday 4 November, hours of intense confrontation between Regions and Government.

The President of the Region of Tuscany Eugenio Giani has already anticipated a new anti covid tightening, in the Regional Council.

A tightening that would see, to date, Tuscany among the regions in the balance between being "green zone" in which they would apply, only the first restrictions and prohibitions and a "scenario of high severity and high risk level", defined by the medium level "orange".

Eliminated the hypothesis instead of being included as a "red zone" of "high severity scenario and high risk level", which would correspond to a real lockdown.

For this point we just have to wait until the early afternoon and anticipate the new rules in force from November 5, 2020 throughout Italy.

Curfew at 22: you can travel or leave only for reasons of necessity (study, work, etc.) and with self-certification.

School: for high schools, we return to 100% in integrated digital didactics.
Public transport: 50% capacity allowed everywhere, in line and rail transport. Exception for school transport.

Again: stop at shopping centers on holidays and pre-holidays, except for grocery stores, pharmacies, tobacconists, newsstands. In some streets and squares, in case of risk of assembly, you can block access. And it remains the recommendation to limit the movements as much as possible.


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