From 26 April, the yellow zones are back. Bars, restaurants and museums reopen. Our guide to reopenings until July
Restaurants, bars, clubs, museums, gyms, swimming pools, stadiums, baths and spas. When they open and how.
"I think we can look to the future with cautious optimism and confidence," Draghi said. "This morning's decisions essentially bring forward the introduction of the yellow zone to April 26. The main change is that we give precedence to outdoor repurchases. The government took a reasoned risk, with improving data (national Rt index down to 0.85) and decreasing pressure on ICUs. A risk, which certainly meets public expectations, and which is based on a premise: measures, such as mandatory masks, must be observed. In this way, this reasoned risk translates into an extraordinary opportunity".

So from April 26, 2021 will reopen restaurants, bars and clubs but with consumption sitting only outdoors even at dinner. They will reopen gradually also the other exercises:
outdoor swimming pools from May 15
gyms from June 1
fairs and events from July 1.
But in this roadmap, announced by the Minister Speranza, will also reopen theaters, cinemas, hotels, sporting events, always in compliance with the rules on distance and capacity. Allowed the movement between the yellow region and the orange ones with a special pass. Confirmed the curfew from 22.
In the yellow areas will also repair all schools with the higher at least 50%. It should reopen also the university in presence.