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Nuda Voce Francesca Mazzotta Ingresso Pergola
March 24, 2021

Teatro della Toscana: three days of streaming events for Dantedì and World Theatre Day

At Teatro della Pergola, on 25, 26 and 27 March

The Fondazione Teatro della Toscana is the Theatre of the Italian Language, the home of the theater of words and poetry, the Art Theatre focused on young people and on Europe.

700 years after the death of Dante Alighieri, the Foundation celebrates Dante's birthday with Nuda Voce, curated by the Centro di Avviamento all'Espressione, relying not so much on proven performers as on those who live poetry, write it and make it: On March 25 and 26, streaming at 9 p.m. on the social channels of the Teatro della Pergola, six poets, coordinated by Sauro Albisani, declaim the Divine Comedy and some of their compositions in the symbolic spaces of the Pergola in Florence, the city that gave birth to the Supreme Poet, which is the Italian language, is the very idea of Italy.

On the morning of March 25, at 11 am, on the occasion of the restoration of Dante's cenotaph in the Basilica of Santa Croce, the Teatro della Toscana is symbolically present with Monica Guerritore reading tercets from the first canto of the Inferno and the XXXIV canto of the Purgatory.

On March 25, 26 and 27, the Poetic and Musical Consultations return, a project in partnership with the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris. Three actors and two musicians will be available as 'doctors' to offer a 'consultation' and a 'prescription for the soul' to anyone who wants it. The consultations are free and open to all and will take place over the phone from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Each 'consultation' lasts about 20 minutes.

On March 27, for World Theatre Day 2021, the Fondazione Teatro della Toscana will "virtually" reopen the doors of the Teatro della Pergola in Florence, the Teatro Era in Pontedera and the Teatro Studio 'Mila Pieralli' in Scandicci. Established 60 years ago, in 1961, this is an opportunity to reflect once again on the active role that the theater and all its spaces play within our culture.


21 hours streaming from the Teatro della Pergola on the official pages YouTube and Facebook
Rosalba De Filippis: canto III of Inferno
Francesca Mazzotta: canto V of Inferno
Paolo Maccari: canto XIII of Inferno
21 hours streaming from the Teatro della Pergola on the official pages YouTube and Facebook
Sauro Albisani: Canto XXI of Inferno
Mariella Bettarini: canto II of Purgatory
Davide Rondoni: Canto XXXIII of Paradise
Streaming from Teatro della Pergola on official YouTube and Facebook pages
6:20 p.m. Israel Galvan with Maestro De Barra commissioned by CAP UCLA and presented in collaboration with UCSB's Arts & Lectures, The Joyce Theater and Teatro della Pergola
7 p.m. Euripides Laskaridis with Here Not Here produced by Onassis Stegi and the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris
7:20 p.m. The Young People of the Fondazione Teatro della Toscana with a reading of selected excerpts from Collodi's Pinocchio at Teatro Studio.

9 p.m. La BandaDante a project on Dante in music by Ambrogio Sparagna and Davide Rondoni with the soloists of the Orchestra Popolare Italiana.

streaming on the official pages of the Teatro Era on YouTube and Facebook
18:00 Work Sessions on Song of Traditons Workcenter/Thomas Richards
19:20 Katie's Tales Workcenter/Mario Biagini
9 p.m. Centro per la Sperimentazione e la Ricerca Teatrale - Il Nullafcente by Michele Santeramo, directed by Roberto Bacci, with Michele Cipriani, Silvia Pasello, Francesco Puleo, Michele Santeramo, Tazio Torrini.

March 25-26
On March 25, at 9 p.m., Rosalba De Filippis will sing Canto III of the Inferno, Francesca Mazzotta Canto V of the Inferno, Paolo Maccari Canto XIII of the Inferno; on March 26 Sauro Albisani will sing Canto XXI of the Inferno, Mariella Bettarini Canto II of the Purgatory, Davide Rondoni Canto XXXIII of Paradise. Each poet will follow the Divine Comedy with the interpretation of his own compositions inspired by Dante.


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