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April 23, 2021

Tuscany in Yellow Zone: passage is almost certain

Today the official decision will be announced by Minister Speranza: opening of restaurants, bars, museums, cinemas and theatres

From 26 April, the yellow zone will return with the rules laid down in the decree, and probably in Tuscany.

The overall drop in the number of infections during the week and the Rt index seem to encourage Governor Eugenio Giani. In Tuscany, reported Giani, "the Rt today is 0.82-0.86, compared to the threshold 1 of the orange zone" and "we are well below 200 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.

This means the green light for restaurants, sports and outdoor shows, as well as for cinemas and theatres, even indoors and with certain restrictions.
But, above all, from next Monday will be allowed to move between yellow regions, even for tourism and without the need for self-certification or vaccination pass (which instead will allow you to move to the red or orange zone for holidays).

The data for Tuscany are gradually improving. All from the yellow zone, except for the occupancy of beds in intensive care: we are at 41%, eleven points above the threshold limit, while it fell to 30%, according to the latest monitoring of the National Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas), the occupancy of beds in ordinary hospitalization Covid (the critical limit is 40%).

The incidence rate of new positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants is also falling: it is 183, while last week it was 209, a decrease of 13%.
 "If Tuscany ends up in the Yellow Zone, we all enter the Yellow Zone. If there are municipalities in which we see outbreaks in a school or a park, the mayors will take care of it," Giani says.

The province of Prato is also destined for the Yellow Zone, even though it has a Red Zone infection rate (310 compared to the threshold of 250), but for the governor the numbers are falling.


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