Gherardo Turchi, renowned antiquarian of the ancient Florentine Gallery
Let's discover together the Gallori Turchi Gallery, one of the most important on the international scene

The love for art and antiques runs in the family…
I have always been around ancient art. During my childhood, I was able to touch precious objects and appreciate their artistic value. I have always been very fond of the smell of furniture wax and oil for weapons—they have always been like my best friends.
You are an expert in ancient cold weapons. What are ancient weapons and who buys them?
All those weapons that are bladed, pointed and blunt. Not only swords and daggers, but also pole weapons including falchions, halberds, maces and clubs. Those kinds of weapons fascinate everyone: enthusiasts, but especially weapon collectors.
What is the most ancient object and the most precious one that you have handled?
The oldest one is a terracotta red-figure Apulian vase dating back to the 4th Century BC. The most precious one is an embossed iron shield made by Lucio Picinino.
How do you prove the authenticity of such an ancient object?
With experience. Each artwork has different elements to evaluate and compare with those already seen, thus having a good memory in this profession is crucial. Then there is laboratory tests that you can carry out to confirm your first impression.
What preservation techniques do you recommend?
Take care of it. Never expose it to strong heat and use the right products to preserve it.
Can you recommend 3 places where to find art in Florence?
The Bardini Museum, the Palazzo Davanzati Museum and the Stibbert Museum.
What would you recommend to a young person who wants to take up your profession?
Look at this profession from the eyes of a child and with the Socratic awareness of “I know that I know nothing”.