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text Sabrina Bozzoni

Karl Edwin Guerre Karl Edwin Guerre Karl Edwin Guerre
January 7, 2020

Nonchalanche Elegance

Karl Edwin Guerre, il re della street photography si racconta


Tell us what made you land on street photography?

I started because I saw a void in terms of what was visible online. I decided to travel and document every day style because I wanted to show that people weren’t limited to only what they saw locally.

Your personal definition of style.

Style is the ability to convey your energy, values, and thinking externally be it through clothing or other forms of expression.

Three essential must events of this new edition of Pitti Uomo

The opening ceremony of Pitti Uomo never disappoint, Brioni is having an event and I am looking forward to that, while Woolrich always presents in a creative way.

What do you look for in a subject to photograph?

Nonchalance elegance. I want to document the guy that moves carefree while maintaining an overall confidence.  Someone who speaks to the world without making any noise.

Guerre outside social media. What do you love to do?

What keeps me driven and inspires me is being a family man.

The last time you got excited.

Last week my 9 year old had a drum recital and the same day my 7 year old gave an oral presentation about a family in front of her class...

Leave us with three songs that tell about you.

Lovely Day by Bill Withers, Love Supreme by Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, and Trouble Man by Marvin Gaye.

Karl Edwin Guerre Karl Edwin Guerre Karl Edwin Guerre

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