Apriti Cinema, films under the stars return to the Uffizi square
All screenings scheduled from June 26 to August 6. Free admission
The nights of the Florentine summer will light up with movies to watch under the stars in the Uffizi Galleries courtyard, which is hosting Apriti Cinema again this year.
The summer film arena in the courtyard of the Uffizi renews its appointment in the Florentine Summer program, scheduled from June 26 to Aug. 6, organized by the Amici dell'Alfieri Association, with programming curated by the Cinema Area of Fondazione Sistema Toscana, in collaboration with the Uffizi Galleries.
A program of films that reflects the line traced by the programming of La Compagnia cinema-the Casa del Cinema of the Region of Tuscany-in which ample space is given to documentaries, the best of Florentine festivals with an international vocation, and tributes to the greatest performers and masters of cinema of all time.
The films are screened in the historic location of the Cortile degli Uffizi, at 9:45 p.m., with free admission (subject to availability), shown in the original language with Italian subtitles (and in some cases with English subtitles). A cultural proposal that is always popular with the public, which goes to intercept residents, Italian and international tourists, involved in a path that ranges from the history of cinema to contemporary and new languages.

Highlights include Bacall 100 and Mastroianni 100; the tribute to Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti by the Festival dei Popoli; Midsummer Nights by Lo Schermo dell'Arte film festival; the review dedicated to Oscar winner Ga- briele Salvatores for the Fiesole Prize; the films that tell the story of art in relation to cinema proposed by the Uffizi Galleries; the stage of INCinema, a festival of inclusive cinema, for people with sensory disabilities; along with titles from Ireland, Latin America, the Middle East, Korea, China, India, the United States, France-and of course from Italy.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 - Festival of Peoples - Tribute to Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti
The never-ending factory of the DuomoTHURSDAY, JUNE 27 - Fiesole Prize to the Masters of Cinema 2024 to Gabriele Salvatores
Mediterraneo, by Gabriele SalvatoresFRIDAY, JUNE 28 - Mastroianni 100. Ceremony of the Claudio Carabba Prize, for young film critics, dedicated to the memory of the great Florentine journalist.
Una giornata particolare, by Ettore Scola, ItalySATURDAY, JUNE 29 - France Odeon - Waiting for the Tour.
Jour de fête (Day of Feast), by Jacques Tati, FranceSUNDAY, JUNE 30 - River to River Florence Indian Film Festival
Ghoomer, by R. Balki, India, (2023, 135')MONDAY, JULY 1 - The Art Screen - Midsummer Nights.
Taking Venice, by Amei Wallach, United States,TUESDAY, JULY 2 - INCinema - inclusive film festival
A Couch in Tunis, by Manele Labidi LabbéWEDNESDAY, JULY 3 - Festival dei Popoli - Tribute to Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti
I promessi sposi (The Betrothed), by Massimo D'Anolfi, Martina Parenti.THURSDAY, JULY 4 - Fiesole Award to the Masters of Cinema 2024 to Gabriele Salvatores
Nirvana, by Gabriele Salvatores, ItalyFRIDAY, JULY 5 - Film and Women's Festival Hannah Arendt, by Margarethe von Trotta.
SATURDAY, JULY 6 - Bacall 100 The Big Sleep (The Big Sleep), by Howard Hawks, (United States, 1946, 114')SUNDAY, JULY 7 - Uffizi Galleries. A film as a work of art The Search, by Giuseppe Petruzzellis, (Italy, United States, 2023, 62').
MONDAY, JULY 8 - The Art Screen - Midsummer Nights Nam June Paik: Moon is the Oldest TV, by Amanda Kim, (United States, 2023, 109').
TUESDAY, JULY 9 - Middle East Now - Summer Stories Song of All Ends, by John C. Lorusso, (2024, France, Italy, Lebanon, 73'). National premiere with the participation of the director.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 - Festival dei Popoli - Tribute to Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti Great Expectations (Great Expectations), by Massimo D'Anolfi, Martina Parenti, (Italy, 2009, 77').
THURSDAY, JULY 11 - Fiesole Prize to the Masters of Cinema 2024 to Gabriele Salvatores Turné, by Gabriele Salvatores, (Italy, 1990, 91').
FRIDAY, JULY 12 - Mastroianni 100 Marriage Italian Style, by Vittorio De Sica, Italy, (1964, 104').
SATURDAY, JULY 13 - Bacall 100 How to Marry a Millionaire, by Jean Negulesco, (United States, 1953, 95').
SUNDAY, JULY 14 - Uffizi Galleries - A Film as a Work of Art Evil Does Not Exist - by Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, (Japan, 2023, 106').
MONDAY JULY 15 - The Art Screen - Midsummer Nights Dead Dance, by Domenico Palma, (Italy, 2023, 54'), in the presence of the author.
TUESDAYJULY16 - Middle East Now - Summer Stories Behind the Mountains, by Mohamed Ben Attia, (Tunisia, Belgium, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, 2023, 98′).
WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 - Festival dei Popoli - Tribute to Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti Il castello (The Castle), by Massimo D'Anolfi, Martina Parenti, Italy, (2011, 90').
THURSDAY, JULY 18 - LUSO! Traveling exhibition of new Portuguese cinema Cesária Évora, the Barefoot Diva, by Ana Sofia Fonseca, (Portugal, 2022, 94').
FRIDAY, JULY 19 - N.I.C.E. x Irish Film Festa Mary and the Midnight Spirit, by Enzo D'Alò.
SATURDAY, JULY 20 - N.I.C.E. x Irish Film Festa That They May Face the Rising Sun, by Pat Collins, (Ireland, 2023, 107').SUNDAY, JULY 21 - Uffizi Galleries - A Film as a Work of Art Godland, by Hlynur Pálmason, 2022, (Denmark, Iceland, France, Sweden, 143').
MONDAY, JULY 22 - The Art Screen - Midsummer Nights White Balls on Walls, by Sarah Vos, (Netherlands, 2022, 90').
TUESDAY, JULY 23 - Middle East Now - Summer Stories LYD, by Rami Younis and Sarah Ema Friedland, (Palestine, UK, 2023, 78').
WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 - Florence Korea Film Fest. K-Music - Korean Nights of Film and Music Swing Kids (스윙키즈), by Kang Hyeong-cheol, (South Korea, 2018, 133').
THURSDAY, JULY 25 - Fuori Sentiero by Sentiero Film Factory 2024 Taxibol, by Tommaso Santambrogio, (Italy, 2023, 50'), in the presence of the director.
FRIDAY JULY 26 - FánHuā Chinese Film Festival Anima (莫尔道嘎 Mò ěr dào gā), by Jinling Cao, (China, 2021, 120').
SATURDAY JULY 27-Special Event-pending Antonioni tribute retrospective at the Company from September 2024 Cronaca di un amore, by Michelangelo Antonioni, (Italy, 1950, 110').
SUNDAY JULY 28 - Uffizi Galleries - A Film as a Work of Art Fantastic Machine (And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine), by Axel Danielson and Maximilien Van Aertryck, (Denmark, Sweden, 2023, 92').
MONDAY, JULY 29 - Bacall 100 Like Leaves in the Wind (Written on the Wind), by Douglas Sirk, United States, (1956, 99').
TUESDAY, JULY 30 - Middle East Now - Summer Stories Elbow, by Aslı Özarslan, (Germany, Turkey, France, 2024, 86'). Italian Premiere.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 - Florence Korea Film Fest. K-Music - Korean Nights of Film and Music Go Go 70s (고고70), by Choi Ho, (South Korea, 2008, 118').
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 - Florence Queer Festival Queendom, by Agniia Galdanova (United States, France 2023, 98').
FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 - Mastroianni 100 81⁄2, by Federico Fellini, (Italy, 1963, 138').
SATURDAY AUGUST 3 - La Maremma al cinema Films recovered and digitized by the Maremma Digital Media Library (15') To be followed by Non ci resta che piangere, by Massimo Troisi, Roberto Benigni, (Italy 1984, 112').