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Everything you need to know about Monteriggioni

One of the oldest, most memorable and recognizable villages in all of Italy

Monteriggioni appears to motorists traveling on the highway that connects Siena to Florence, like a mirage: a huge, circular castle, with 14 watchtowers that pops out into nowhere, on the slopes of a hill planted with olive trees and vineyards. It is a fortified and perfectly preserved medieval village, a must on the Via Francigena.

The round walls, about 570 meters long, seem in fact "leaning" on the hill taking on the majestic features of a stone crown, capable of impressing even Dante Alighieri who mentioned it in the Divine Comedy, in the XXXI canto of Hell, when drawing a similarity with the Giants wrote: "but that, as on the round circle / Montereggion of towers is crowned, / so the valiant that 'the well surrounds / towered half a person / the horrible giants.

Centuries have passed since then, but Monteriggioni continues to amaze. Crossing its walls through the pointed arch of the Porta Franca, the one facing Rome, one has the impression of being catapulted back in time, straight into the Middle Ages. So much so that every July, here is organized for two weekends one of the longest and most evocative medieval festivals in Italy Monteriggioni di torri si corona with street artists, music, figures, ancient crafts and a special coin, the Grosso, to be changed as soon as you enter the village. During the days of the event it is the only currency that allows you to make purchases.
One of the first things that cross over the walls is the large Piazza Roma, with the well and the Pieve di Santa Maria Assunta, the beating heart of the town, where the most important events are organized. A few steps away is the small museum Monteriggioni in Arme: four rooms that tell the military history of the village through the faithful reproduction of armor that, in some cases, you can wear. A possibility that children love, but also the many fans of historical action adventure video games like Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood that are set here in Monteriggioni.
To get to the bottom of the life of the castle is a visit to the walkways on the walls, with its breathtaking views of the countryside that expands to the Chianti and Val d'Elsa, up there you can make yourself selfie and souvenir photos.

For the walkways on the walls and the armor museum the ticket is unique all the information is on

To see around Monteriggioni
Within a few kilometers other beauties are waiting to be discovered such as San Gimignano (27km), San Galgano (26km), Siena (26km), Castellina in Chianti (16km), Casole d'Elsa (20km), Colle Val d'Elsa (11km).

Restaurant Il Pozzo in Piazza Roma 20, tel. 0039 0577 304 127 (typical Tuscan cuisine) and La Bottega di Lornano in Lornano, tel. 0039 0577 309146 (typical Tuscan cuisine)


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