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April 6, 2021

New Draghi Decree: what changes in Tuscany from April 7 to 30

Tuscany in Red Zone at least until April 20. Rules and news to know

Tuscany in Red Zone until April 20. After the parenthesis of Easter, with all of Italy in the red zone on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, from Tuesday, April 6, back to the division into bands for our country with Tuscany that will remain in the red area at least until next April 20, as established by the order of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, given the trend of contagions in our region.

Unlike the long Easter weekend we remind you below the rules for Tuscany until April 20:

- Prohibited visits to relatives and friends

- No movement is allowed except for reasons of work, necessity and health.

- Suspended commercial activities in retail, except for the sale of food and basic necessities, both in the neighborhood and in medium and large sales structures, even included in shopping centers.

- Curfew always in force from 22 to 5.

- Closed, regardless of the type of activity carried out, the markets, except for activities directed to the sale of only food, agricultural products and nursery gardening.

- They remain open newsstands, tobacconists, pharmacies and parapharmacies. Closed also hairdressers, barbers and beauty centers.

- Closed bars and restaurants. Allowed home delivery and until 22 the restaurant with takeaway, with prohibition of consumption on the spot or in the vicinity.

But what changes from April 7?

From Wednesday 7 to April 30 the new Draghi decree comes into force and the system of dividing Italy by bands remains in place. 

- The yellow band is eliminated, the white band remains. Prohibited the movement between regions if not for reasons of necessity and urgency.

- In the orange zone it is possible to visit a single private home once a day for a maximum of two people (not counting children under 14 and non-self-sufficient persons) within the municipality. In the red zone, that of Tuscany, this possibility is not allowed.

- You can go to second homes even outside the region: The Decree confirms the possibility of going to second homes (even if in the red zone) but only the family can go, the house must not be inhabited by others and must be owned (or rented) before January 14, 2021. Short-term rentals are therefore excluded. In addition, some regions have denied access to the territory to non-residents, namely Piedmont, Sardinia, Marche, Valle d'Aosta, Alto Adige, Tuscany and Calabria. Even stricter are the ordinances of Campania, Puglia and Liguria, which prohibit second homes even to residents. Sicily has chosen to leave freedom, but to enter the island it is necessary to present a negative test result.

- From Wednesday, even in the red zone, children in nursery, elementary and middle school will be back at school. All others will be in dad. In the orange zone, instead, also the second and third grade are in attendance, while for the high school must be "guaranteed the educational activity in presence to at least 50 percent, and up to a maximum of 75 percent".

- In red or orange zone you can cross the boundaries of your municipality, if you are running or cycling, provided that the point of departure and or coincide. In the red zone you can take a walk near your home always with the mask. It is possible to go to the park always close to home avoiding assemblies.

- Bars and restaurants closed in red and orange zone (for bars take away until 18, for restaurants until 22. Home delivery possible until 22).

- Confirmed also the automatism that provides for the passage in the red zone when the weekly incidence of cases exceeds 250 per 100 thousand inhabitants.


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