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Prodigio. Mestieri d’Arte e Performance
April 14, 2022

Prodigio. Mestieri d’Arte e Performance. Masterpieces of high craftsmanship, live works and digital performances

Until May 1 at the Fortezza da Basso on the occasion of MIDA 2022, the 86th edition of the International Handicrafts Trade Fair of Florence

If you want to discover a new face of high craftsmanship, you shouldn't miss Prodigio. Mestieri d’Arte e Performance, the exhibition that puts the applied arts in dialogue with other forms of expression, bringing together craftsmanship and live and virtual performances. Until May 1, 2022 in the Hall of Columns of the Monumental at the Fortezza da Basso, on the occasion of MIDA 2022, the 86th edition of the International Handicrafts Exhibition of Florence.

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Promoted and realized by Fondazione CR Firenze together with Associazione OMA - Osservatorio dei Mestieri d'Arte, in collaboration with Confartigianato Imprese Firenze and CNA Firenze Metropolitana and under the patronage of the Municipality of Florence and the Region of Tuscany, the exhibition will be open from 10am to 10pm every day.

The installation - a project of A(P) - Personal Archives, concept and graphics Editorial Group - welcomes the visitor transporting him, through live processing in which the artisans involved will participate and digital art performances, in the atmosphere of the place where the prodigy is born, the workshop, which as a creative place is an inspiration for relationships.

The workshop and the performances inaugurate the exhibition of 18 Florentine artisans presenting works mainly of a contemporary nature in Ceramics - with the masters Luca Canavicchio, Sara Federici, Alberto Giampieri, Karin Putsch-Grassi, Paola Staccioli and Studio Giusti - Scagliola and semi-precious stones - with Berti A&P,Bianco Bianchi, Cecilia Falciai, Fratelli Traversari, La Nuova Musiva and Scarpelli Mosaici - and Intaglio, inlay and gilding, with Simone Beneforti, Bottega d'arte Maselli, Castorina, Fedeli Restauri, Renato Olivastri and Zouganista.

Each of these traditions is combined with other artistic forms: Ceramics is connected with contemporary dance and the performance of Beatrice Ranieri, from the School of Ballettodi Toscana, Scagliola and semiprecious stones follow the rhythm of the drums of composer Stefano Tamborrino, and Intaglio, inlay and gilding are associated with movements with the ribbon in the performance of Camilla Pezzano, from Ginnastica Il Poggetto.

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