Florence through the eyes of photographer Laura Masi
A chat with the blogger who captures emotions

Instagrammer, photographer, a travel enthusiast. How did you turn your passions into a job?
I have no idea! I’ve always loved the idea of keeping a diary, but every time I tried, I gave up after a few days. Instagram became my diary, little by little I grew familiar with it and placed more value on my passion, photography. Then my followers increased pretty fast and I started collaborating with brands and tourist boards. And, for 4 years now, I’ve been working with Sony, a beautiful journey that led me this year to becoming Sony Europe Imaging Creator.
What do you like best about Instagram?
It has always been a source of growth and inspiration. It allows me to meet a lot of people and explore new places.
How did you start the Ruberry’s Jotter blog?
In 2016, when I realized that Instagram wasn’t enough anymore to express as much as I wanted through photos, I embarked into this adventure and I decided to share what comes across my mind and heart through words. That small space on the Web is not only about my trips, but about myself in all ways.
Take us to your 3 favorite places in Florence.
San Frediano, the city’s most authentic neighborhood. Ponte Vecchio’s parapets, where I always stop to reflect before taking big decisions. Piazza Santo Spirito, for a Negroni cocktail with friends and a good laugh.
The best trip you have ever been on?
Argentina all by myself. Being alone for a long time leads to digging deep into yourself and to priceless personal growth.
Florence in one shot.
The people, no doubt. Their faces allow me to sense the city in different ways and rediscover its beauty.