Museo dell’Opera del Duomo
- Via della Canonica, 1
- 055 230885
The new Museo dell'Opera del Duomo house of the world's largest collection of medieval sculpture and Renaissance Florentine. 750 works including statues and reliefs in marble, bronze and silver, including masterpieces of the greatest artists of the time: Michelangelo, Donatello, Arnolfo di Cambio, Lorenzo Ghiberti and Andrea Pisano, Antonio Pollaiuolo, Luca della Robbia, Andrea del Verrocchio and many more. Over 200 works visible for the first time to the public after restoration, among them Mary Magdalene by Donatello, the North Gate of Lorenzo Ghiberti for the baptistery of Florence and twenty-seven panels embroidered in gold and polychrome silk designed by Antonio del Pollaiolo. Next to the dining Ancient facade, the rooms that house the works of greater spiritual impact of the collection: the Penitent Magdalene by Donatello and Michelangelo's Pieta (1547-1555).