Teatro Puccini
- Via delle Cascine, 41
- 055 362067
- www.teatropuccini.it/
- www.instagram.com/teatropuccinifirenze/
It was born in 1940 on the outskirts of Florence as a state-run theatre called "Teatro del Dopolavoro dei Monopoli di Stato". During the post-war period, it was used for various purposes, including a ballroom and boxing ring. But its function as a real theatre officially began in the 1991-92 season, with the title of Teatro Puccini - Teatro Stabile della Satira e della Contaminazione dei Generi, thanks to the artistic direction of Sergio Staino (until January 1999). Even now it offers a theatrical season of light, comic and satirical shows with some of the greatest Italian artists of the moment.