The International Handicrafts Fair returns to the Fortezza da Basso
In Florence a journey into creativity and high craftsmanship from 25 April to 1 May
Watchwords: creativity, beauty, innovation and sustainability for a future of the 'handmade' that is increasingly attractive and in step with new trends in taste, the environment and the market. MIDA, the International Handicrafts Trade Fair, promoted and organised by Firenze Fiera in cooperation with the main institutions and trade associations, from 25 April to 1 May crosses the finish line of its 88th anniversary, reconfirming its supremacy as Italy's first 'handicraft' fair.

A not-to-be-missed appointment in spring in Florence for many lovers of 'savoir-faire' and beauty, an ever new and stimulating journey to discover unique and exclusive pieces made by 'golden hands' in the 'treasure chests' of historic workshops and experiential laboratories where the know-how of master craftsmen is combined with the experimentation of new generations.
530 exhibitors at this edition on a total surface area of 34,000 square metres, confirming MIDA's attractiveness as a launching pad for contemporary craftsmanship. The programme of events on the calendar is rich in exhibitions, conventions, workshops and live work with the active participation of the global craft community, thanks to the collaboration of the two associations, CNA Firenze and CONFARTIGIANATO Imprese Firenze, which have always been at Firenze Fiera's side in scouting and acquiring quality exhibitors, respectively at the Ghiaie pavilion with Artefacendo and at the Palazzina Lorenese with Pezzi Unici, their latest proposals in the sectors of clothing and accessories, furnishing accessories, beauty and wellness, design and innovation, trade press, goldsmithing, jewellery and costume jewellery.

The absolute novelty of the 2024 edition is the simultaneous participation with the 9th edition of the Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro (Art and Restoration Fair), Italy's main exhibition event in the field of conservation, restoration and valorisation of the world's artistic cultural heritage, which in the Sala delle Colonne and the Sala dell'Arco will see the participation of the Italian Ministry of Culture, companies, organisations and all the most important realities linked to the world of cultural heritage.
The Sala della Volta will host Viaggio in Italia. Artigianato e design, a cognitive journey through video installations and design objects and handicrafts linked to the landscape and architectural beauty of Tuscany and Italy. The exhibition is promoted by Fondazione CR Firenze and realised by OMA Associazione Osservatorio dei Mestieri d'Arte in collaboration with ADI (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, Delegazione Toscana) and the patronage of the Region of Tuscany and the Municipality of Florence. The initiative explores the fascinating theme of the journey along our peninsula and celebrates the cultural and economic potential that makes up its articulated system.

Once again, the Cavaniglia pavilion will host selected projects and exhibitions for the valorisation of international contemporary artistic craftsmanship, starting from Tuscany. The Historical Archive of the Region of Tuscany in collaboration with the Archives of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and the organisational support of Artex is putting on LA MOSTRA IN MOSTRA: i mestieri artigiani nel teatro, an event dedicated to artisan crafts for the theatre with the presentation, in an emotional but also informative and didactic itinerary, of historical pieces from the Archives of the Maggio Musicale. On display are set models presented back in 1942 at the Mostra dell'Artigianato, together with photos, sketches, documents and stage costumes for an emotional journey through time and space with a strong 'vintage' flavour. Also on display at Cavaniglia is the choral work Notte stellata (Starry Night), 3 large textile reproductions (450x350 cm) of Van Gogh's famous painting, created by the international community of "Feltrosa", the meeting dedicated to textile arts, curated by Fabio Giusti and Eva Basile.
Building on the success of the last editions, in collaboration with the Goldsmiths' Arts School (LAO) MIDA 2024 is setting up, in the evocative space of the Polveriera, LE ARTI ORAFE: Training and Contemporary Goldsmithing, an area dedicated to didactics with the presentation of the works realised by students and teachers and the exhibition of the three goldsmith-artists selected for the PREZIOSA YOUNG international competition. The exhibition is accompanied by a calendar of live workshops with master goldsmiths and students performing live work on embedding, engraving, enamelling, wax modelling, CAD and jewellery design.
To once again sanction the union between art, craftsmanship and collecting, in the wake of the success of the 2023 edition, the exhibition OFFICINA BARDINI. The art of wood - curated by Giulia Coco and Marco Mozzo, with scientific coordination by Carlo Francini and Valentina Zucchi. Focus on the Bardini carpentry workshop, where chairs, chests and other medieval and Renaissance-style furniture were produced and restored.

The Attic floor of the Spadolini Pavilion once again sees the participation of Artisans of TASTE, with a selection of artisan companies in the food and wine sector. There is also space for the Cooking Show and events organised by Unicoopfirenze with tastings and samplings of excellence from the Fior Fiore Coop line, scheduled for 27, 28 April and 1 May. Also on the programme are workshops and events with a focus on the environment.
Still on the subject of food, the Central Square will host the Court of Flavours with street food featuring Italian and multi-ethnic food and wine specialities.
Opening hours: daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Open-air catering: daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (last day 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
Open-air catering: daily from 8 to 10 p.m. (1 May closes at 8 p.m.)
For all information, prices and reductions see