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December 3, 2020

Will be a Christmas in Tuscany

Waiting for the new Dpcm of 4 December, in force for the next 50 days, let's take stock of what will change, in a positive way

Only a few hours before the expected Christmas Dpcm, where the Government will confirm its ban from 21 December to 6 January of "any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces".

Click here to read a preview of the draft of the new DPCM

But it does not end there, on 25th, 26th December and 1st January, "any movement between municipalities" will be forbidden, except for proven work requirements, situations of need and health reasons. During these three days of celebration, however, it will not be allowed to move to second homes outside the region or even out of the municipality.

But there is something positive in all this. If Tuscany becomes the Yellow Zone, for our Christmas it will be possible, within the dates listed above, to move between municipalities, taking advantage of the beauty that our region gives us.
You can also have lunch at the restaurant on December 25th and 26th, on New Year's Eve and for the Epiphany. In the evening they will be closed due to the curfew in force.

In fact, all the hotels can remain open even with their restaurant service, except on New Year's Eve, when only room service will be allowed.
Shops should also remain open on the holidays for shopping until 9 p.m. The shopping centres will be open on weekends until December 20th, but closed on the Christmas holidays.

The new Dpcm of 4th December also confirms the ban on opening ski slopes and ski lifts. They will reopen on 7th January.

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