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The wonderful islands of Tuscany

August 11, 2019

Between nature and modernity, a journey among the seven beautiful islands of our archipelago

Tuscany is one of the richest regions of Italy from a naturalistic point of view. From the valleys, to the soft hills of the countryside, to the peaks of the Apennines and, of course, the crystal clear sea, where there are magnificent islands, which have nothing to envy to the most praised islands in the world.

Isola del Giglio

It is particularly mountainous and the coasts are jagged and rich in small coves and inlets, the vegetation present consists of Mediterranean flora: holm oaks, broom, low bush of cistus. Giglio Castello, a small historical centre of the island, is located at an altitude of about 400 metres. The ancient fortress was built at the time of the Pisan domination and later strengthened by the nobles of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany to defend themselves from attacks by Saracen pirates.

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Isola di Capraia

Island of volcanic origin is morphologically mountainous with a steep and jagged coastline, rich in typical Mediterranean vegetation. Towards the end of the eighties, when the penal colony that prevented access to the island was closed, Capraia began to open up to tourism offering all its natural and historical beauty. If you love hiking, the island offers the possibility to take many walks along paths that wind through the Mediterranean maquis; sometimes you will find yourself immersed in the vegetation and the scents of helichrysum, myrtle and rosemary. Ferries run daily departing from Livorno's Porto Mediceo and the journey takes about two and a half hours.

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Isola di Pianosa

Its territory is completely flat, the highest point does not exceed 27 meters. The existence until recently of a maximum security prison has made the area of the island practically inaccessible, the prohibition of navigation within a mile from its coasts has allowed to maintain the natural and archaeological heritage of its seabed and much of the interior. Today a project is being studied to make the island accessible to tourists in full respect of the environment, during the summer every day (up to a maximum of 100 people) it is possible to visit a part of the island, accompanied by the guides of the Park Authority, leaving from Marina di Campo.

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Isola di Montecristo

The island is inaccessible both for nature and for legislative reasons, in fact, in addition to its morphological conformation similar to a rock cone with the walls falling sheer into the cobalt blue sea, has long been an integral nature reserve.

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Isola di Giannutri

In winter it is almost uninhabited. Inside the small island there is no real inhabited center and the few houses are scattered throughout the territory without a defined logic. The beauty of its inlets and coves overlooking a crystal clear sea is extraordinary.

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Isola di Gorgona

Gorgona is a wonderful island, its uncontaminated coasts, sheltered from mass tourism, make it a small paradise on earth. The island is home to a penal colony, so you can not stay there, but only disembark for guided tours of a day. To visit it, you must join a guided tour and ask permission from the penal colony. There are several agencies that organize the visits, and it is also possible to contact the inhabitants of Gorgona directly. The Committee Inhabitants Island of Gorgona normally organizes tousr, for a whole day to discover the island that is not there. The ferry leaves from the Molo Mediceo of Livorno.

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In this article we talked about Isola del Giglio, Isola di Capraia, Isola di Pianosa, Isola di Montecristo, Isola di Giannutri, Isola di Gorgona


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