Italia su misura launches the #ichoosemadeinitaly project
Let’s build a future tailored to our needs
The portal devoted to fine craftsmanship, Italia su misura, launches the social use of the #ichoosemadeinItaly hashtag. Through a social campaign based on portraits of artisans, Italia su misura aims to promote a real movement and lay the foundation for the relaunching of fine Italian craftsmanship.
The world of artistic crafts is rich in knowhow, expertise and great creative skills; it represents the soul of Italy and is its most precious heritage, from which we hope to start over again in order to build a future tailored to our needs. A future fine-tuned on our humanity and on the safeguard of the planet’s life.
The promoters of this initiative are Associazione OMA - Osservatorio dei Mestieri d’Arte and Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte, two institutions committed to promoting and preserving the culture and of fine Italian craftsmanship which, together with Gruppo Editoriale, are the partners of the Italia su misura web project, one of the most influential showcases of made-in-Italy excellence.
The project invites all beauty lovers, and those who believe in the authentic values of sustainability, to acknowledge how important the quality of “handmade” is. All they have to do is share the content of the campaign on their social channels or publish posts with the same spirit and aimed at relaunching the #ichoosemadeinitaly hashtag.

Therefore, let’s start over again from the excellence of Italian artistic craftsmanship, and then have all the Made-in-Italy industries - from fashion to design, from food-and wine to hospitality - unite in the same vision: they constitute the core business of our unique country, for which we are renowned all over the world.
Believing that the current time of uncertainty will lead us to the rediscovery of a new “Humanism” based on the centrality of the human being and on common social values, #ichoosemadeinitaly invited to go back to an authentic and original dimension, to rediscover the pleasure and the taste for high-quality Italian productions, made according to specific techniques and traditions, in order to keep carrying on the values embedded in our DNA and with which we identify.
Our roots are firmly planted in the beauty that has been guiding our hands and lighting our eyes up for Centuries: whether man-made, such as the masterworks by the great artists of the past, or natural, like the sweet Tuscan hills and the endless, breathtaking Italian landscapes, from the mountains to the lakes and sea. Our man-made and natural treasures are, today more than ever before, the foundations upon which we shall build a new way of living, imbued with Italian values.
In cover: Antonio Liverano, Florentine excellence in the world of tailoring is a portal devoted to the excellence of Italian craftsmanship, the mapping of Italy’s top artistic crafts shops and the latest news about the world of Italian artistic craftsmanship.