Tuscany in yellow zone from January 7
L'9 e 10 gennaio tutta Italia ritorna in zona arancio. Ma la Toscana dovrebbe essere in zona gialla anche l'11, 12, 13 e 14 gennaio
On January 6, 2021, the so-called 'Christmas Decree' (Decree-Law No. 172 of December 18, 2020) expires and the Government has decided to tighten the restrictions by prohibiting travel between regions, lowering the RT in the acancione and yellow band and postponing the reopening of high schools to January 11.
Here then what could happen in Tuscany in the coming days:
Thursday 7 and Friday 8 Tuscany back in yellow zone
Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 all Italy in orange zone
from January 11 to 15 we return to the division by regions then Tuscany almost certainly, also being the RT rate that is less than 1, will be in the yellow zone (the regions with RT above 1.25 could go in the red zone).
after January 16 we have to expect a new Decree as the Dpcm December 3, 2020 expires.

Until 15 will be forbidden to move between the regions, except for proven business needs or situations of necessity, you can instead go to visit friends and relatives even in the days of red zone but it is ammisso the visit of only 2 people excluding children under 14 years. It is always in force the curfew from 22 to 5.
On the 7th it is confirmed the reopening of the schools in presence except for the lines that reopen on January 11th but only with 50% of the pupils.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
In the yellow zone, therefore, restaurants, bars and clubs could reopen to the public but until 18 (take-away is allowed until 22 and there are no limits for delivery).
On the other hand, boutiques, artisans and more generally all productive activities will reopen in the orange zone.
The curfew is still in force from 22 to 5.

The government is studying the possibility of restarting the skiing facilities from January 18th, so both Abetone and Monte Amiata will probably be reopened as they have had heavy snowfalls in recent weeks.